Book cover

Fourth Wing

Author: Rebecca Yarros
Reviewed by Lynn on 2024-01-30

I initially had no interest in reading this book. I’m more of a romance genre kind of girl. But my best friend suggested it, so I gave it a try. At first, I was disappointed by its familiar plot elements. The main story line is very similar to the Divergent books, and the love interests seemed like a copy of the Hunger Games books. There is a good amount of magic in it as well, which reminded me of the Harry Potter series. Needless to say, I was comparing the books while reading the first 50 pages or so. However, I was quickly intrigued by the twists, unanswered questions, and fast pace.

Violet, who has studied her whole life to become a scribe, is forced into the Dragon Rider quadrant. She is a beautiful, smart, but fragile young girl who does not stand a chance of surviving the ordeal. But she has no intention of dying! She is surrounded by friends and enemies alike, particularly Dain (the friend) and Xaden (the enemy).

This book is filled with dragons, magic, friendship, family ties, death, love, and SPICE! Make room for some spooky scenes further into this book that will totally catch you off guard. I flew through this book in no time and highly recommend it. As soon as I finished it, I wanted to read it all over again.

Bottom line, I would recommend this book.