Book cover

The True Love Experiment

Author: Christina Lauren
Reviewed by Lynn on 2024-02-09

I have mixed feelings about "The True Love Experiment" by Christina Lauren. I have loved some of her books, but this one fell short for me. "Fizzy" Chen has never been in love. She is an accomplished writer but is missing key elements in her life. Connor Prince is a charming and a single parent with a daughter he adores. They both get pulled together into a project that includes "Fizzy” dating single men on a reality TV show.

The writing is easy to read, fun, and young. This could be why I didn't enjoy it as much as some of her other books. As a 35-year-old woman, this book felt very immature. It was predictable and a bit long and boring at times. I would suggest it to an older teenager or young adult looking for a cute love story with a happy ending. Overall, it was not for me.

Bottom line, I would recommend this book.

More books by Christina Lauren

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Twice in a Blue Moon

Author: Christina Lauren
Rating Book review added by Lynn on 2024-02-24

Twice In a Blue Moon is a sweet story of young love. The writing is well done and the characters are likeable. However, the story is a bit too simple and predictable for adults. I didn't find myself surprised by any of the twists and turns. I would recommend it to a younger audience who enjoys a light, fluffy romance.

The book follows the relationship between Sam and Tate, who meet on vacation and quickly fall i... Read Full Review »